Cosmogramma - Flying Lotus


Flying Lotus is an electronic musician known for innovating his art with every album. I was intrigued by the various eclectic genres blended in this record. The title and concept of the album deal with themes of lucid dreaming, astral projections, and the like. The production in subsequent tracks switches from an aggressive sound to a calmer one... This sonically reinforces the concept of the album.

The opening track "Clock catcher" immediately puts you in the center of chaotic, thrilling instrumentation which eventually leads to a calmer soundscape (as mentioned above). The next track "Pickled!" features amazing bass-guitar chords by bass player Thundercat, accompanied by an even more unpredictable and aggressive sound this time.

It's primarily an instrumental album, but there are some amazing vocal features: Thom Yorke in "... And The World Laughs With You" with his vocals being chopped and glitched which just fits; Laura Darlington's vocals (which are amazing) in "Table Tennis" are accompanied by a sample of the titular sport; Thundercat is featured in "MmmHmm" and also has uncredited vocals in various other songs.

The album's eclectic sound includes elements of jazz, glitch, hip-hop, and experimental music. After Blackstar, I was kinda familiar with experimental jazz and also the other genres, but the way they work in tandem with one another is just amazing.